Sunday 14 August 2016

How To Display Polaroids

Ok, so since having my Polaroid camera I have to admit that I have millions and millions of tiny photos just laying around in my bedroom. This is because I have yet to find a creative way to display them all!

So, I have search the whole of Pinterest, and have found two amazing ways that enable me to display at least half of the amazing photos that I currently own!

And if you know me, then you will know that they both may or may not include FAIRY LIGHTS!

Anyway, let's get to the DIY'S!

Ok, so for the first DIY I thought that it would be an amazing idea to store most of my Polaroids in a big frame, which may or may not have fairy lights around it!

You Will Need!

  • 1x White Frame - The one I used was 20"x16" by 16"x12." But you can use whatever size frame to want.
  • Lot's and lot's of Polaroids!
  • Whatever type of Fairy Lights you want - I recommend using the small Christmas kind!
  • Some Super Glue - Make sure you get help with this, as you don't want to end up sticking your fingers together!
So, the first thing you will need to do, is to open up your frame and remove the picture that is on a loose piece of paper! Myn had a flower on it, but your's will probably have some family on it!

Next, you gonna want to get out the big piece of cardboard out of the frame and layout your Polaroids!

Once the Polaroids have been organised you can just stick them down carefully and with help if you need it!

Lastly, leave it to set for twenty minutes and then out the frame back together, then if you want to you can just add some fairy lights over the top of it!

Ok, so on to the second DIY;

You Will Need;

1x Set of fairy lights. 
1x Bag of tiny pegs. I got these ones from ESK!

Whatever Polaroids you want to use!

And the only thing you will need to do, is to attack the peg and one of your Polaroids to the wire in between each light!

And that's it, Your Done!


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