Sunday 7 August 2016

How To Have The Most Perfect BBQ Ever

So, if you know me then you will know that I love a good BBQ. And I know what your think, Ruby didn't you post about having a BBQ last week
Yes, you are correct! As soon as it gets to summer, the one thing that I look forward to is having BBQ'S!
I just love the smell and the warmth feeling that a BBQ gives! I feel that it makes everyone happy, and much more relaxed!

So, today I thought I would share on how to have the most EPIC BBQ ever! 

Ok, so apart from a BBQ itself. You also need food. Duh! You can go as big as you want, or you can go as small as you want! Either way, you know that your BBQ will be amazing! You can have chicken, sausages, burgers, pasta. But if you do't eat meat you are also able to find alternatives!

Next, your gonna need people. You don't want to enjoy a massive feast all by yourself! Since again, like lasts weeks BBQ, today is indeed a Sunday! So, that means no everyone will be working! And since the weather is amazing at the moment, you know you can count on a bright sunny day!

As well as this, you will also need a fancy set up! You are gonna need some beautiful place mats, and some amazing dinner plates, and serving dishes to present your fabulous creations! You are also going to need an amazing table cloth. The table cloth you see above is from Tiger, and it is absolutely amazing!

And lastly, dessert! You are going to need dessert! Dessert is the best thing ever, and is the best way to finish of a meal. Especially, if it is a BBQ! As you can see above, I have created my beautiful, and amazing chocolate cake, and the amazing Tanya Burr Chocolate Cookies


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