Monday 22 August 2016

Low Fat Banana Bread

Ok, so if you have been reading my blog since the very, very beginning then you will know that my first ever post was a low fat banana loaf. And if you have read the title of this post then you are probably thinking why on Earth, I'am blogging about the exact same thing. 

Well if you have been reading my blog since the beginning then I think it is fair to say, that I have progressed in my photography skills. And so because I feel that I have improved with my blogging ability, I thought that I would again share with you all my low fat banana recipe again. But instead, I also get the idea out that you can also toast this loaf aswell. However, depending what you put on it, it may add to the fat content, and may add a few calories, which if you were me, I would end up loading each slice with a large amount of Lurpack butter. I know healthy right! haha.

                 Difficultly; Easy Peasy                                       Prep Time; 10 minutes

                Cook Time; 40-50 minutes

Let's Do This!

You Will Need;

200g Self- Raising Flour
140g Caster Sugar 
1 1/4 teaspoon Baking Powder 
1/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
2 Egg Whites
3 Bananas (Mashed)
1 Tablespoon Of Golden Syrup for extra sweetness (this is optional)

In Order To Make The Banana Loaf You Will Need To;

 First, Preheat your oven to 180°. And then grease and line your 20x10 cm (8x4in) loaf tin

 Secondly, In a large bowl combine the self raising flour, sugar, baking powder and the ground cinnamon.
Add in the mashed banana and egg whites and combine.

Lastly, pour the mixture into a loaf tin and place in the oven for 40- 50 minutes.

And that's it! Once cooled you can then if you want to toast each slice for an extra crunch!


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