Thursday 9 June 2016

Delicious Chocolate Cake Recipe

If  you know me, then you will know that I' am a HUGE chocoholic! If I could I would eat chocolate for every single meal,but sadly this would very unhealthy and would defiantly make me feel extremely unwell which would not be good!

So anyway, I have been recreating this cake recipe for a couple of years now, and every time I bake it, everyone is always asking me how on Earth did I do it or  if  I' am using t a cake box mixture. Because we all know that the Becky Crocker Cakes are amazing!

But any who, lets get on to the best part of this post, THE CAKE!

Difficulty; So Easy        Prep Time; 10 minutes
                                      Cook Time; 14- 16 minutes

Let's Do This;

You Will Need;

175g Butter at room temperature, (I use Margarine!)
175g Caster Sugar
3 Eggs
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
150g Self- Raising Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
50g Cocoa Powder

For the Butter Cream Icing;

50g Butter at room temperature (I again used Margarine!)
200g Icing Sugar
1tsp Vanilla Extract
50g Cocoa Powder (You can add more if you want it much more chocolaty!)


1)Pre heat your oven to 180 ° . And line two round cake tines with parchment paper. And then in a mixing bowl cream together the butter and sugar. Cream it well so that the cake becomes really, really soft.

2) Next, ad in the three eggs one at a time. At first, the mixture may seem weird when all of the eggs are all mixed in, but trust me once the flour has been added the mixture will look normal again!

3) Add in the vanilla extract.

5) Stir in gently the sifted flour until it has been fully incorporated. Once the flour has been mixed in add and combine the baking powder into the mixture.

6) Add in the sifted cocoa powder and mix until fully combined.

7) Spread the mixture equally into the two really lined cake tines and then place then into the oven for 14-16 minutes.

8) Once the cakes have cooled completely, carefully take the two cakes out of the tins and place them onto two cooling racks.

9) Next for the icing, cream the butter so that it is super, super soft and stir in the icing sugar bit by bit (so it doesn't go everywhere in a big cloud of dust, like it did to me once!) until it has been fully incorporated.

10) Stir in the sifted cocoa powder. And then you are ready to ice your cake! 

Note; Make sure that your cake is completely cool as if you ice the cake while it is still warm, all of the icing will melt off, and your cake will be ruined!

And that it, you cake is complete, and now ready to amaze all your friends and family with your fabulous creation!

This cake is suitable for any creation. I have made this beauty for people birthday's and every time, who ever I bake it for they are always impressed!

This cake would also be amazing for a picnic, or a get together with friends!



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