Monday 27 June 2016

My Favourite Perfume

So for the past couple of months I have been completely obsessed with the, 'COCO Eau De Toilette Chanel Paris' perfume!

I'm a massive lover with any Chanel product but as soon as I did a test spray in Debenhams, I instantly knew that I had to have it!  It has quite a sweet scent to it which I love without it being to sickly. And every time I wear I always get lots and lots of compliments and request of what it is and where did I get it.

Since I purchased this perfume, I have been using it non- stop! I only have a quarter left of this product, and I 'm going to be so, so upset when it has all gone!

Furthermore, as well as the amazing quality of the actual product, I feel that it is also right to talk about the packaging! First of all, if you know me, then you will know that I'm completely obsessed with vintage! Anything vintage and I'm there! Every time my family and I (or friends) go to Brighton, or anywhere with a, Cath Kidston (because we don't have one where we live!)  for that matter, whoever I'm with has a difficult job of trying to get me to leave the shop! I literally want to buy everything that they have and never, ever leave!

Anyway so back to the point! This perfume stands out far from, from any other perfumes that I have. It is in a tall bottle, and has a big black lid, with gold outlining to make it stand out! And the bottom halve of the perfume, (which contains the product!) is transparent, has a perfectly sized label (so you know what it is!) And it shows of the golden, coppery, bronzy product amazingly!

The price does vary from where it is from, but as linked here  and above takes you to the Debenhams page where I found it to be at it's cheapest!

Debenhams price this product as £49.00 for 100ml, whereas, places such as Feel Unique price it is, £54.50.

Overall, for this particular product I don't think that it is to expensive for the amazingness that it is!


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