Sunday 31 July 2016

75th BBQ Celebration

Denim Dungaree Pinafore - New Look
White Crop Top - Topshop
Shoes - H&M

 So, since it was my Granddad's 75th birthday yesterday. We decided to have a big barbecue in order to celebrate.

We had every type of food you can imagine, and we all had an amazing time to catch up!

So far this special occasion, I thought that I would wear my denim dungaree pinafore, and would pair it with this lace crop top which I brought from Topshop a while ago. However, I'm sure you will be able to find a top like this from anywhere!

For my shoes, I thought that I would wear my black pumps which I wore in my previous blog post they are much, much more appropriate since it was a special occasion!

I think this outfit was the perfect choice as it went really well with my curled hair, and because you obviously have a barbecue outside, I thought that it went well with the whole outdoor theme!

I also bake some of my brownies that I do which is featured here, and all I can say is that they went down like a treat!


Sunday 24 July 2016

Leeds Harewood House Dog Show

Dress - Primark
Shoes - H&M

So since we show one of our puppies. We thought that we should go up to Harewood House up in Leeds. The place itself and the area all around was absolutely amazing and was completely beautiful!

The show ground was amazingly planned and there was a fantastic range of shops and goodies to buy for our little pup and our other dogs.


Sunday 17 July 2016

A Day In Lewes


Crop Top- Topshop
Skirt- New Look
Bow Hairband- Cath Kidston

So, today we decided that we would go to Lewes as we haven't been in a long time and I honestly forgot how pretty that high street is! The whole of this one street is filled with lots antique shops and some really cute cafes that are honestly to cute to not look at! 

As well as looking at all these amazing shops, I also love looking at all of the old fashioned, cottage like houses, and I hope that one day I will be lucky enough to live in a house like this!  

However, as much as I love all of the antique shops, I also love going into New Look which is a bit more modern as, as some of you may know I'm a massive shopaholic and I just love shopping!


Thursday 14 July 2016

NYX Doll Eye Mascara Review

So since I live in the UK, there was nowhere that stocked any NYX products. However, until a couple of months ago, I discovered that there where certain Boots stores around the UK that are now stocking every NYX products imaginable, and I knew that I had to get my hands on them!

However, because NYX is still quite new to the UK, they are not at the moment stocking the products in most Boots stores so I was quite upset when I found out that the Boots in my town center weren't selling them. But since I only live 20 minutes away from Brighton, I knew that they had to have them there, and when I found out they did I literally jumped into mid air.

So the other day, my Mum and I decided to spend the day in Brighton, as if you know if you live or go to Brighton, the shopping is absolutely amazing there! So, the first thing we did was go straight to Boots and I was shocked at how many NYX products there was on this counter!

Anyway let's get onto the review!

So even though I brought a lot of things at the NYX counter, I thought that in today's post I would talk about one of favourtie purchases which was the NYX Doll Eye Mascara!

Because my old mascara was completely dried up and was no longer usable! I thought instead of going for the same thing, I would instead try something completely different! And since we can now buy NYX products in the UK. I thought that it was only right to give this mascara a trial!

And all I can say is that this mascara is the best mascara I have ever used! This mascara isn't going anywhere! It makes your lashes so, so thick after just one coat! And I feel if you are in need of a new mascara then I highly suggest that you try this one! It only costs £7.00! Which I think is amazing for the quality of product that you are getting!

And can we just talk about the mascara wand. Oh my is is absolutely amazing! Is is literally the perfect size, and because the brissals are just the perfect width away from each other it literally makes your lashes thick, and full of life!

Also, I use the Volume version but you can also have this products in a waterproof version or a long lash version! Which I think I'm also gonna give a go!

Anyway, with this mascara, I find that is lasts so, so long. I apply this products to my lashes about 8 or 9 in the morning and it still looks as good as it did in the morning at 3 or 4 in the afternoon! Again, I highly recommend you give this mascara a try!

While on my shopping adventure I also picked up one of the NYX butter glosses, which I will talk about in another post!


Sunday 10 July 2016

Chocoholic Lovers, Double Chocolate Loaf

So, since today is Sunday and everyone is at home (and also because it's raining!)  I thought that I would create a, "Double Chocolate Loaf!" I have done many of these chocolate loafs before, and every time I make one it gets devoured within minutes of it getting out of the oven. So I thought that I would share it with you, if you are wanting to create something that is super easy, but at the same time already know that it is going to be a massive hit with anyone that is present during the time of it's creation!


Prep Time; 10 Minutes                                                 Serves; 8- 10 Slices
Cook Time;  40- 50 Minutes                                        Difficulty; Easy Peasy

Let's Do It!

You Will Need;

175g Butter (I use Margarine!)
175g Caster Sugar
3 Eggs
140g Self- Raising Flour
1/2 teaspoon Baking Powder
100ml Full Fat Milk
4 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
50g (or more!) chocolate chips, ( I always add more!)

(Optional 75g melted white chocolate to decorate for the top of the loaf!)

Ok, first pre heat your oven 160, then grease and line a loaf tin with parchment paper!

Second, beat together the butter and sugar and until creamy and much paler in colour, (The more you beat the ingredients the creamier the cake!)

After, crack and mix in the eggs (one at a time!) until fully combined!

Next, add in the flour, baking powder, milk and cocoa powder until fully incorporated! (If you wanted to, you could add 75g of grounded almonds!)

Then add in the chocolate chips and place the mixture into the loaf tin. And bake for 40-50 minutes!

You can check to see if the loaf is done by putting a skewer into the cake, and if it comes out clean, then it is done!

Once done, leave the loaf to cool fully in the tin and then if you wish, decorate the loaf how you want to melted white chocolate!

And then your done, and sit back while you see all of your cake being demolished by anyone who happens to see it!

I hope that you have liked this recipe, as I feel as though it is perfect for any occasion! And is an absolute winner  for any of my fellow chocoholic friends out there!


Tuesday 5 July 2016

M&M White Chocolate Cookies

Ok, so recently I have been thinking of different ways to spice up my Tanya Burr White Chocolate Cookies that I do, which can say are amazing! And then one it just came to me that I should create white chocolate cookies, but rather than just have chocolate chips. I should instead use M&M'S! And can I tell you! This was an amazing decision! The white cookies themselves taste absolutely incredible! But adding M&M'S made the cookies one billion times better!

So let's get to the good bit. THE COOKIES!

Makes; between 12- 20 cookies!                                                 Prep Time; 10 minutes!
Difficultly, So Easy!                                                                    Cook Time; 5-8 minutes!

You Will Need;

200g of butter ( I use Margarine!)
300g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1 tbsp Golden Syrup (Optional, but I have a soft tooth and it makes the cookies much softer and much, much more gooey!)
400g Self Raising Flour
As many M&M'S as you want!

Let's Do This!

First, pre heat your oven to 170. And line a baking tray with parchment paper!

Next, in a mixing bowl weigh out the butter (or margarine!) and sugar and cream together until smooth and ,much paler in colour! (The more you cream, the softer the cookies, and the easier the flour is to mix in!

Then, crack in your egg mix in until thoroughly combined, and then mix in the golden syrup!

After this, add in the flour bit by bit, and then add in  the M&M'S!

Next roll bits of the cookie dough into whatever size you want then to be and then place them onto the baking tray and bake for 5- 8 minutes!

Lastly, when cracks start to appear in the cookies take them out of the oven so that they don't burn. They will continue to cook as they cool down, so don't panic if they still look and feel undone!
Leave them to cool for at least 20 minutes, and then enjoy!

I just love the pop of colour that the M&M'S give through the white of the cookies, and I feel as though they will be perfect for a picnic, or just a day hanging out with your friends!


Friday 1 July 2016

June Favourties

I cannot believe how quick June went, it is already the first of July which is crazy! It only feels like yesterday it was my birthday, and I was soon to be going to The Making Of Harry Potter! But since then I have found lot's of items that I have been seriously loving throughout the whole month of June!
These range from hair products, all the way to beauty products!

So let's DO IT!

Ok, so the first thing I have been loving this month, is the, "Tony & Guy Casual Matt Texture" spray! This is because it gives your hair so much volume and definition! I love to curl my hair ALOT! And I absolutely love the way it looks, and because I love to two day curls, as I feel they look amazing when put in a pony tail or brushed out. But anyway, when it get's to the second day I love to add this spray into my hair as it gives is much more volume, and it gives the curls an extra boost so they look as incredible as they did the day before! 

Furthermore, I also feel that this products works amazingly alongside the, "Tony & Guy Glamour Spray."

So, the second thing that I have been loving this month is the, "CND,Shellac" gel nail polish. Now, as some of you may know, if you have read my previous blog post I have been obsessed with the Rita Ora nail polishes. However, since a month or two ago I have been having Shellac gel nail polish which can I say is now my favourite and whenever I can I will now be having that instead as it lasts longer, and the colours are more intense, and because it's gel and it drys underneath a lamp, it doesn't smudge and it last for two weeks without it chipping! Which is a great thing for me as I fiddle with my nails a lot and I always end up chipping them! But anyway, if I have a choice between the two I will always choose Shellac, and they also have a MASSIVE range of colours! I love pastel as you may also know, and the yellow that I go for which is called,"Sun Bleached" is the PERFECT shade of pastel yellow for me and it works extremely well the colour, "Cake Pop" on the ring finger which as you probably guessed it, is also a pastel colour! 

I also, love having glitter put over the top of it as it gives it a shimmer and looks amazing under the sunlight when they twinkle!

The next thing that I have been loving this month is the, "Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water." This is now the new way of how I take of my make up everyday! I did use the Simple Make Up Remover Wipes. But I wanted to try something that was much, much better for your skin. So I read up other bloggers blog post about it so I decided to give it a try! With the size bottle I get which is the 400ml says to lasts up to 200 uses! However, my sister has also been using this products is doesn't lasts as long as it would do if for one person was to use it!
So, after the first use of using this, I was completely impressed! All you do is place a little bit of the product onto a cotton pad, and just wipe it gently around your face. And all I can say is that I'am now completely obsessed! It feels really soft and really soothing, and your make up is of your face within seconds. It also does an amazing job at taking of waterproof mascara! And lastly, it is also perfume free, and I believe there are four versions of it. I have recently run out, so I have just another one!

The last thing I have been loving this month is the "Zoella Beauty Double Creme Body Lotion!" And all I can say is that I absolutely love it! Out of all of the beauty ranges that Zoe has brought out I feel as though this one is my favourite! The product smells really sweet like macrons WHICH I LOVE! And I you know me, then you will know that I absolutely adore sweet scents and I feel as though this is now my new favourite! 

Not only does this products smell amazing, but you literally only need to tiniest amount as it goes such a long, long way! And I feel as though after it has been on for many, many hours I can still smell it!

Lastly, I' am absolutely obsessed with the packaging, it is literally beautiful! Because I love vintage like you may already know! I feel as though this is literally me! I love the two shades of baby pink within the stripes and I really, really, love the metallic gold, "Z" as it stands out and ties the whole look together!
