Tuesday 5 July 2016

M&M White Chocolate Cookies

Ok, so recently I have been thinking of different ways to spice up my Tanya Burr White Chocolate Cookies that I do, which can say are amazing! And then one it just came to me that I should create white chocolate cookies, but rather than just have chocolate chips. I should instead use M&M'S! And can I tell you! This was an amazing decision! The white cookies themselves taste absolutely incredible! But adding M&M'S made the cookies one billion times better!

So let's get to the good bit. THE COOKIES!

Makes; between 12- 20 cookies!                                                 Prep Time; 10 minutes!
Difficultly, So Easy!                                                                    Cook Time; 5-8 minutes!

You Will Need;

200g of butter ( I use Margarine!)
300g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1 tbsp Golden Syrup (Optional, but I have a soft tooth and it makes the cookies much softer and much, much more gooey!)
400g Self Raising Flour
As many M&M'S as you want!

Let's Do This!

First, pre heat your oven to 170. And line a baking tray with parchment paper!

Next, in a mixing bowl weigh out the butter (or margarine!) and sugar and cream together until smooth and ,much paler in colour! (The more you cream, the softer the cookies, and the easier the flour is to mix in!

Then, crack in your egg mix in until thoroughly combined, and then mix in the golden syrup!

After this, add in the flour bit by bit, and then add in  the M&M'S!

Next roll bits of the cookie dough into whatever size you want then to be and then place them onto the baking tray and bake for 5- 8 minutes!

Lastly, when cracks start to appear in the cookies take them out of the oven so that they don't burn. They will continue to cook as they cool down, so don't panic if they still look and feel undone!
Leave them to cool for at least 20 minutes, and then enjoy!

I just love the pop of colour that the M&M'S give through the white of the cookies, and I feel as though they will be perfect for a picnic, or just a day hanging out with your friends!


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