Friday 27 May 2016

My 17th Birthday

(This wasn't my drink, I just had to take a picture of it as it was so pretty!)

 Dress- New Look
Bag- Select

So if you didn't already know it was my 17th birthday yesterday! I just can't believe that I'm seventeen, it feels so weird! So I thought that I would so you a few pictures from my fabulous day!

So because of my age I'm currently in college, so my day didn't start of the best. Reason being is that the had to wake up at 6am in order to get a train to Lewes to do a maths exam! I know right! However, despite this, when my exam finished at 11am, that was when my birthday began and all of the excitement exploded everywhere!

Anyway, I received the most amazing presents and couldn't be any happier.

Later on in the day, we went a little carvery called the Holly Blue and had the most amazing roast dinner. After this, we then had my birthday cake and had a massive singing session in the middle of the restaurant. (And yes, we did get stared at by lot's of people!)


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