Thursday 12 May 2016

My Top Two Favourite Bakes

When it comes to baking there are so many recipes that I just love to try or even create. I find doing this makes me feel happy and extremely relaxed. I just love to bake, and I love seeing all of the different recipes that are out there in the world, and I just love seeing how happy everyone is when they taste all of the creations I have made!

One of these recipes that I feature below have already been featured in a previous blog post. I will link the post below within each recipe so that you will be able to find it much easier to follow.

So, lets get onto the exiting bit. The food!

The first thing that I love to bake is my Homemade Chocolate Brownies! Like I said above I have already done a blog post on this so I will leave a link for you above (as you can see) so you can read it. Anyway, I love baking these chocolate brownies are they are so delicious and they are perfect for either an gathering with friends, or if you just feel like having a cozy day were all you want to do is just relax! And because these brownies are so gooey and so soft, they go so well with a big cup of tea (or a glass of milk!) and a sit down watching T.V. or YouTube in my case!
Lastly, these brownies are so easy and quick to make, so you can always assure that they will be perfect! And if you are anything like me, you will be lucky if they last any longer than ten minutes!

Lastly, the last two things that I love to bake are actually a recipe from Tanya Burr. They are the, 'White Chocolate Cookies' and the, 'Plain Chocolate Cookies' or as describe on her blog post I believe that they are called, 'The Best Chocolate Cookies Ever!' However, because of how much I love to bake, I have sort of adapted the recipe of the white chocolate cookies.

Prep Time; 10 minutes
Oven Time; 6-7 minutes baking time, However, it depends on the size of the cookies. I do mine quick small!

So, You Will Need;                                      

200g Butter (I use margarine)
300g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1 1/2 tablespoons of golden syrup
375g Self Raising Flour
At least four handfuls of chocolate chips, But you can use what ever chocolate you like.

1) Pre- heat your oven to 150 and line a baking tray with parchment paper. Yes, I know this seem quite low for an oven, but I promise because the cookies are plain white and not chocolate, they are more likely to burn. But again it depends on the size of your cookies, if you want them to be a bit bigger than mine turn the oven up to 180, but no higher!

2) Cream together the butter/ margarine and the sugar. If your butter is quick solid pop it into the microwave for 10 seconds on the lowest heat setting so it softens. (If still quite firm do another 10 seconds and then start creaming!) You want to make sure the mixture is extremely soft and it goes paler in colour.

3) Crack in your egg and mix it into the mixture.

4) Add in the golden syrup, and stir.

5) Once the golden syrup has been mixed in, mix in the self raising flour bit by bit in order to avoid mess. (However, even by doing this I still make a big mess whoops!)

6) Add in the chocolate chips, or whatever chocolate that your heart desires!

7) Roll sections of the mixture into round ball shapes. You can make them however how big or small you want them to be!

8) Place the balls of cookie dough on the baking tray (I would do no more than four at a time, as they spread a lot during their cooking time!) Squish them down a tiny bit, and then place into the oven. If you want soft, gooey cookies like how you get them in, 'Millies Cookies' then do them for no longer than 6-7 minutes minutes. Or until they just start to crack at the top. Again, it depends on the size of your cookies!

And remember; when you get the cookies out of the oven they will feel as though they are not done. The cookies are still cooking inside while they are cooling down, you will have to leave them for at least ten minutes before you can eat them as they will, just fall apart in your hands!

However, after ten minutes you can always transfer them to a cooling rack!

These cookies are perfect for a rainy day or again having a gathering with friends!

What are your favourite recipes?


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