Thursday 19 May 2016

Vintage Shopping

So a couple of days ago now, my Mum and I took another trip to Heathfield. As some of you may know from one of my previous blog post, we ventured out to Heathfield to visit friends and to see what was out there has we hadn't really been there before. And we came across many vintage shops and a really, really cute bakery! 

So anyway, when we went on our recent visit we decided to have another look at this one particular shop called, 'Tinker and Toad' and it was absolutely amazing! Everywhere we looked was just vintage. (I'm a huge lover of vintage so seeing this shop made me turn into a five year old at Christmas!) It was honestly just amazing! I would have brought everything if I could! 

Tinker and Toad has absolutely everything. From clothes, all the way to furniture! And every item in the shop had it's own story to tell. Everything was either hand crafted, (like the jewelry) and refurbished to make it have a use again, 

Another thing that I deeply love about this shop is that there items that related to Harry Potter. If you know me than you will know that I'm completely obsessed with Harry Potter and I watch it at least three times a week! (literally!) But anyway, they had two sign in there saying, 'Platform 9 3/4' and, just a normal one saying, 'Hogwarts.' And there was also a wooden crate which said it was to hold potions!

Lastly, while on our adventure, we purchased a tiny 1/3 milk bottle, (which you have seen above) and some jewelry which were absolutely beautiful.


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