Monday 30 May 2016

Visiting The Harry Potter Studios!

So, as I'm obsessed with Harry Potter and it was my birthday on Thursday, my family and I decided to go to the Warner Bros, The Making Of Harry Potter Studios, which was honestly amazing! I have been wanting to go since the day it opened (which was like forever ago!) and I eventually got to go.

Overall, the entire tour took us at least four and a half hours for us to complete and it was so big that there was a cafe half way through the tour so that everyone can take break! And I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of it! I was like a child at Christmas! And we ended up buying a video for the broomstick section and for the car. However, my favourite purchase of the entire trip was buying Hermione's Wand. (Which you can see above!) And I'm also planning to get one of the scarfs, as the scarf I wanted was out of stock.

As well as taking pictures of our adventure I also filmed it, and I'm going to be uploading a Vlog very soon which will show much, much more. (Such as me drinking a ButterBeer!)So I'll insert a link soon for when it will be available to watch!

In the mean time if you would like to see more pictures then you can have a look at my Instagram right here!

My Outfit;
Top - Primark
Shorts - New Look
Shoes - Converse
Bag - Primark


Friday 27 May 2016

My 17th Birthday

(This wasn't my drink, I just had to take a picture of it as it was so pretty!)

 Dress- New Look
Bag- Select

So if you didn't already know it was my 17th birthday yesterday! I just can't believe that I'm seventeen, it feels so weird! So I thought that I would so you a few pictures from my fabulous day!

So because of my age I'm currently in college, so my day didn't start of the best. Reason being is that the had to wake up at 6am in order to get a train to Lewes to do a maths exam! I know right! However, despite this, when my exam finished at 11am, that was when my birthday began and all of the excitement exploded everywhere!

Anyway, I received the most amazing presents and couldn't be any happier.

Later on in the day, we went a little carvery called the Holly Blue and had the most amazing roast dinner. After this, we then had my birthday cake and had a massive singing session in the middle of the restaurant. (And yes, we did get stared at by lot's of people!)


Sunday 22 May 2016


So, the other day I was in the mood for baking (like I' am everyday!) and thought that I would recreate the Tanya Burr chocolate cookie recipe like I have already done at least hundred times!

As someone who bakes at least four times a week, I have to make sure that I always include these cookies as  they are amazing and  get absolutely demolished within the first 20 minutes of them being ready!

Furthermore, since I have baked these cookies lots and lots of times before, I have discovered different ways of making them absolutely amazing every time without the worry of if they are going to turn out wrong!

So let's get onto the best part, THE COOKIES!

Let's do it!

Difficulty: So easy
Prep Time; 10 minutes
Cooking Time; 6- 7 minutes

You Will Need;

200g Butter (I use margarine!)
300g Caster Sugar
1 Egg
1 Tbsp Golden Syrup (This is optional but this makes the cookies much softer and much more gooey!)
275g Self- Raising Flour
75g Cocoa Powder
Whatever chocolate you want to add. As I like my to make cookies smaller in order to get more out of each mixture, I like use to chocolate chips instead


1) Pre heat your oven to 180 (I put my oven on 180 rather than 200 so that they are softer and have less chance of burning) and line your a baking tray with parchment paper.

2) Mix the butter and sugar together in a mixing so that it is soft, creamy and much paler in colour. If your butter/ margarine has just come out of the fridge then you can heat it up (once it's been measured in the mixing bowl) in the microwave for ten seconds on it's lowest heat setting!

2) Crack in your egg and combine until it has been fully incorporated. And then add in the golden syrup!

3) Next, stir in the flour bit by bit until it it fully combined, and then mix in the cocoa powder.

4) Lastly, add in the chocolate chips, or whatever chocolate you like. And then pick up bits of the mixture and roll them into a ball. Once on the baking tray squish each cookie dough ball down slightly and then place into the oven.

Tip; Only put four cookies on each tray ( at the most!) as they will spread and you will end up with one giant cookie!

Also, I recently posted a blog post on my top two favourite bakes which featured my recreation on the white chocolate cookies that can be seen above, so feel free to have a look at it here!


Thursday 19 May 2016

Vintage Shopping

So a couple of days ago now, my Mum and I took another trip to Heathfield. As some of you may know from one of my previous blog post, we ventured out to Heathfield to visit friends and to see what was out there has we hadn't really been there before. And we came across many vintage shops and a really, really cute bakery! 

So anyway, when we went on our recent visit we decided to have another look at this one particular shop called, 'Tinker and Toad' and it was absolutely amazing! Everywhere we looked was just vintage. (I'm a huge lover of vintage so seeing this shop made me turn into a five year old at Christmas!) It was honestly just amazing! I would have brought everything if I could! 

Tinker and Toad has absolutely everything. From clothes, all the way to furniture! And every item in the shop had it's own story to tell. Everything was either hand crafted, (like the jewelry) and refurbished to make it have a use again, 

Another thing that I deeply love about this shop is that there items that related to Harry Potter. If you know me than you will know that I'm completely obsessed with Harry Potter and I watch it at least three times a week! (literally!) But anyway, they had two sign in there saying, 'Platform 9 3/4' and, just a normal one saying, 'Hogwarts.' And there was also a wooden crate which said it was to hold potions!

Lastly, while on our adventure, we purchased a tiny 1/3 milk bottle, (which you have seen above) and some jewelry which were absolutely beautiful.
